
60-70% protein content

The protein content in spirulina is uniquely high. Compared to 100g of chicken breast, for example, spirulina has twice the protein content. Just 3 teaspoons of spirulina (12g) provide as much protein as 1.5 eggs. But another thing is crucial: spirulina contains all the essential amino acids. This is why spirulina is considered a "complete" protein source.

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40mg iron per 100g spirulina

With an iron content of 3 teaspoons of spirulina contain 40 mg of iron per 100 g, which is more than half the daily requirement for men. Women need about twice the daily amount. To get the same amount from the spinach we know, you would have to eat 120 g of it.

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Magnesium, calcium, zinc

Spirulina provides other important minerals in impressive concentrations. It contains around 120mg of calcium per 100g, a similar amount to milk or yoghurt. The magnesium (195mg/100g) contained in Spirulina helps support many physical functions. Spirulina also provides valuable support for our immune system with 2mg of zinc per 100g. This makes Spirulina a real all-round mineral.

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Spirulina offers a range of vitamins. Particularly noteworthy are beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin K.
Science has been arguing about vitamin B12 for years. At first it was assumed that spirulina was an excellent source of it, then it was reported that it was in an unabsorbable form. At the same time, there are practical studies that have shown that spirulina can successfully reverse B12 deficiency symptoms. For the time being, there is probably no definitive, reliable statement on this. Regardless of this, all B vitamins are contained in high quantities.

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Antioxidants play a crucial role in the fight against harmful free radicals that can cause oxidative damage in our body cells. Spirulina is the only plant on our planet that has a naturally blue pigment that is permitted in food. The so-called phycocyanin is one of the most powerful antioxidants and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Beta-carotene, vitamin E and chlorophyll are other substances with strong antioxidant properties. Spirulina thus ensures that our body stays healthy on a cellular level in many ways!

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