Microalgae Superfood

From our farm directly to you

Spirulina is probably the most remarkable cell found among foods. No other plant has such a comprehensive combination and density of nutrients.

More about ingredients

More about health


Spirulina contains a high concentration of proteins while also containing all essential amino acids.

A broad spectrum of trace elements and vitamins ensures that your body functions as it should.


Spirulina is full of antioxidants that support your immune system, prevent cell aging and reduce the risk of cancer. They can also protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Intestinal health

Spirulina supports important microorganisms in the intestine, increases the permeability of the intestinal wall and provides precursor substances for the production of messenger substances in the intestine.

high blood pressure

Due to its ability to release nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, spirulina may help reduce high blood pressure. Additionally, anti-inflammatory properties may improve blood vessel health.

Quality is what matters

  • ingredients

    If you order superfood, you should get superfood. The ingredients must be preserved and available. Spray drying, which is commonly used for other spirulina, destroys the cell membrane and reduces its health benefits.

    We dry our spirulina immediately after harvesting in raw food quality at a maximum of 42°C. This protects the algae and is better for you.

  • Clean & Tested

    Not least because we eat our own spirulina every day, we attach great importance to controlled and safe conditions.

    Our production takes place in a closed greenhouse with controlled well water from great depths. Our tanks are constantly monitored and each harvested batch is analyzed in an independent laboratory. No pesticides are used.

    Our internal quality standards are many times higher than the legal guidelines.

  • Taste & smell

    The gentle drying process ensures mild sensory properties. Our spirulina is therefore ideal for use in the kitchen without covering the entire dish.

    We do not have a musty fish smell or taste like many other spirulina products often have.

  • Environmentally friendly

    Spirulina is one of the most resource-efficient foods there is.
    Thanks to the power of the sun and the heat from a neighboring biogas plant, our production consumes less energy per year than a single-family home.

    Our greenhouse is also made almost entirely from recycled materials and uses very little floor space. Regional production also eliminates long transport routes.

  • "One of the pioneers in algae cultivation"

  • "The best food of the future"

  • "Algae have 1000 times more nutrients than any other fruit or vegetable"

Our history

How do you bring a small farm into the future? Our idea was algae:

  • 2011: Idea

    Ever bigger, ever more efficient, ever more animals - that was not an option for us. We were looking for an alternative. In 2011, Johannes first became aware of algae...

  • 2013-2016: Planning

    After a long period of observation, things slowly became more concrete at the end of 2013. Together with another inventor and pioneer in the algae field, the necessary initial know-how seems to have been gathered.

    The first business plans are written, various drafts are discarded, and finally a loan is obtained for the venture. This also shows that every beginning is difficult: How do you explain to a bank what you want to do when there is nothing comparable?

  • 2016: Construction phase

    Construction of the greenhouse and the technology begins. In July of the year, the first tank is filled with algae. From here on, a nerve-racking journey to properly produce algae begins...

  • 2016-2018: Problems...

    From foreign algae and small predators in the water, to temperature regulation and harvesting technology, we are confronted with problems across the board. Harvesting for hours, constantly having to refill tanks, various experiments with organic fertilizers - the new beginnings never seem to end.

    In the first winter of 2016/2017, we practically rebuilt half of it. The same thing happened the next winter. And again the following winter... It quickly became clear that we would have to put in a lot more energy and know-how than we had originally thought. It was time to roll up our sleeves!

  • 2017: Thinking outside the box

    Contact with universities and institutes begins and the exchange has been steadily intensifying since then. But many things are different on a laboratory scale than in a large greenhouse.

    Maarten, meanwhile, is using his time in Asia to try to get in touch with everything that looks like algae production. From Bangkok to Delhi, from algae on hotel roofs to hectares of open-air production, his view of how the topic could work is becoming more and more clear.

  • 2018/2019: Own cultivation

    In the summer of 2018, we began building our own cultivation facility together with Algatec GbR. From now on, we can start production on our own with just a few liters.

    In the winter of 2018/2019, the cultivation area will be further modified so that more heat can be retained. At some point in the future, LED lighting will be installed for the winter months. This means we are practically self-sufficient.

  • 2019: Spirulina instead of chlorella

    We have noticed that we don't have many problems with chlorella algae with spirulina. The algae practically keep themselves clean thanks to the high pH value and at the same time the harvest is much easier thanks to the other form of algae. In 2019 we will ultimately be converting the entire production process.

  • 2019: Spirulina instead of chlorella

    With the Spirulina, we are also changing the design of our tanks. Square tanks are now becoming oval, in which a paddle wheel ensures that the algae float in a homogeneous circle 24/7. Once again, it's time to rebuild everything!

    The underfloor heating also needs to be equipped with additional heating pipes. Instead of 25°C, we now need 35°C. Fortunately, there is no shortage of heat thanks to the neighboring biogas plant.

  • 2016 - 2021: Harvesting technology

    We have been tinkering around with various harvesting techniques for almost five years. However, the one that annoys us the most is the chlorella algae. From flocculation to vibrating sieves, we have tested a total of five different systems over time.

    Spirulina is turning the tide. A technical breakthrough is finally achieved using a drum filter. Vacuum cases and "spaghetti presses" will follow as further process steps, so that everything will be working as expected by the end of 2021.

  • 2022: Top quality

    It took a long time and many miserable attempts. By making the final touches to the drying process, we will be able to produce an outstanding quality at the beginning of 2022.

  • 2022: JoMaa is born

    We notice that few retailers are able and willing to sell German algae. The prices from Asia are simply too tempting, the margins are higher and these algae also come with organic seals.

    So we are starting to take marketing into our own hands and are now launching our own brand.

Regular price
Tax included.

10x older than dinosaurs

Spirulina is a blue-green wonder. Its organism is one of the first photosynthetic cells on our planet and shaped it when dinosaurs were not even thought of.

More general knowledge